Table of Contents


The use of XS Absence is specifically for Otherside clients working with international Absenteeism. Within the Netherlands one uses Dutch legislation including WvP (Wet Poortwachter), this process is not applicable outside the Netherlands. Specifically for International Absence, Xpert Suite has Absence and Attestations (doctor's notes).

This page provides an explanation of the use of Absences and Attestations within Xpert Suite.

Brief summary of absences and attestations

An absence report indicates an absence period. When a report of absence of two days is made, an absence period of two days is automatically created as well.

If after two days of absence a new notification of four days of absence is immediately entered, these notifications add up to a total absence period of six days. If one wants to enter separate absences, there can be no overlap of absences.

An attestation is basically a doctor's note. This is a document which is issued by a GP who is then checked by a control doctor. An attestation indicates when an absence starts and ends. In XS, one can also directly enter an optional attestation. An absence is without an connected entry of attestation, but can be related to it.

Notifications + attestations may overlap. Absences can only connect to each other.


An absence from work may be due to illness, occupational accident or occupational disease. An absence is reported via a notification to the employer. This can be combined with an attestation (more on this below), but a notification can be reported before the attestation is in place.

Submitting an absence

Via file actions, you can enter absences and also find the overview of all absences. The report screen with attestation can be accessed via an action link, ‘’IllnessReportAttestation‘’ for within the dossier and ‘’IllnessReportAttestationSearch‘’ which has a dossier search function and can therefore be used outside a dossier. To set up dossier actions, please refer to the Portals page on the XSC.

When listing an absence, the following fields come up first:

  • Start and end date
    • An employee may be absent later or earlier on the same day. Unchecking 'entire first day of absence' brings up the option for the specific time the employee is absent.
  • Absence percentage indicates the percentage the employee is absent (i.e. 50% works half days or half the normal FTE).

    Absences can also include hospitalisation or foreign stay.

Absence overview

On the overview of absences, a large overview of all absences can be seen.
In it can be sorted by:

  • start or end
  • Absence%
  • Reason
  • Sub characteristic
  • Attested
  • Control status
  • Notification date
  • Client key

Clicking on the three dots next to an attestation will bring up the following actions:

  • Details: shows overview of specific absence
  • Edit: lets you edit the absence
  • Delete: removes the entire absence notification

Attestation/ notification

In addition to entering an absence, a notification or attestation can also be entered.
When registering a notification, one has the option to also enter the attestation directly.

Submitting a notification

Again, like an absence, a period must be given for the absence. The reason for absence is also given.
Absence reason:

  • (Occupational) Illness
  • Leave
  • Accident
  • Industrial accident

An absence may also have a (sub)characteristic, in this example ‘no particulars’.

Below that, it is specified whether the report is a call notification.

Then it is specified whether there is a certificate and whether it is a new, extension or relapse certificate. If this is (still) unclear, unknown can be chosen. Resume is the continuation of a previous period, instead of starting a new period.

After which an attestation is entered, there are still options to enter whether the employee in question is allowed to leave his home. You can also upload the attestation here directly by hand:

As with absence overview, there is also a notifications overview that looks as follows:

Work resumption

A work resumption can also be entered here. A work resumption is entered when an employee starts working earlier than the end date of a report or absence period. After entering a work resumption, the absence period with that end date is closed.